目前分類:♥ Video+文章分享 (45)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2009-02-12 the GazettE-PSC10週年紀念Qs(戒) (1423) (3)
2009-02-08 the GazettE-On 8 Special (Part 4) (2200) (1)
2009-02-07 the GazettE-ON8 SPECIAL(Part1+2+3) (1466) (1)
2009-02-07 the GazettE-PSC10週年紀念Qs(玲汰) (1224) (1)
2009-02-01 the GazettE-PSC10週年紀念Qs(葵) (1188) (2)
2009-02-01 the GazettE-PSC10週年紀念Qs(流鬼) (1918) (0)
2009-01-30 the GazettE-PSC10週年紀念Qs(麗) (1812) (5)
2009-01-28 the GazettE-"HOLLY HOCK RADIO" with 葵(3/1/09) (1936) (6)
2009-01-26 the GazettE-火大新年問卷!? (1248) (7)
2009-01-20 葵(the GazettE)的生日 (863) (1)
2009-01-10 the GazettE-Q&A interview(in Music Japan) (1456) (5)
2009-01-09 the GazettE-新單曲「DISTRESS AND COMA」INFO (更新PART4) (708) (0)
2009-01-05 the GazettE官網 & 新單曲前瞻 (421) (6)
2008-11-14 賀the GazettE的喜訊!(ORICON排行榜) (383) (0)
2008-11-13 the GazettE的最新single+DVD(RCE live) (298) (0)
2008-11-12 the GazettE新造型の碎碎念 (911) (2)
2008-09-09 麗的鴨子自畫像~8月ANRENA~ (535) (0)
2008-08-22 紅蓮live (the GazettE) --->Repeated Courtless Error tour (255) (0)
2008-06-08 ARENA SP 9月號~~麗女王的世界~~ (494) (0)
2008-06-02 未成年~live~(the GazettE)---->(Repeated Courtless Error2) tour (740) (0)
2008-06-01 the GazettE---Grand Finale (Repeated countless error)2--->part 5~part 8 (347) (0)
2008-06-01 the GazettE---Grand Finale (Repeated countless erroe)2-->part 1~part 4 (274) (0)
2008-02-11 Reita(the GazettE)小時候的成長過程 (5036) (0)
2008-01-11 Ruki(the GazettE) 的惡趣味文章 (1390) (3)
2007-11-20 麗(the GazettE)的一百問 (1161) (0)
2007-11-20 流鬼(the GazettE)的一百問 (1896) (0)
2007-11-20 葵(the GazettE)的一百問 (850) (0)
2007-11-20 Reita(the GazettE)的一百問 (940) (0)
2007-11-20 戒(the GazettE)的一百問 (1190) (0)
2007-11-14 cooking with kai(the GazettE) (510) (0)
2007-10-10 the songs of the GazettE (253) (0)
2007-09-17 成員互評---Reita(the GazettE) (1374) (0)
2007-09-16 成員互評---Kai(the GazettE) (1425) (0)
2007-09-16 成員互評--Ruki(the GazettE) (4364) (0)
2007-09-15 成員互評---葵(the GazettE) (1934) (0)
2007-09-15 成員互評---麗(the GazettE) (2119) (0)
2007-08-20 葵擁抱戒!? (the GazettE) (347) (0)
2007-08-13 Silly God Disco~Live~(the GazettE) (206) (0)
2007-06-07 未成年~live~(the GazettE)--->Nameless Liberty Six Guns 2006 tour (264) (0)
2007-06-06 NLSG(live):the Speech of Ruki (220) (0)
2007-06-06 Ruki --->Aoi's ass (384) (0)
2007-05-09 the GazettE live(Clips版) (218) (0)
2007-04-07 <ARENA37度C> 訪問主題「畢業」@the GazettE (976) (0)
2006-12-22 the GazettE 的相關歷史 (1069) (0)
2006-06-02 About the GazettE!! (Info) (760) (0)